A worthwhile and cost effective method of improving soil drainage and reducing water logging and compaction.
We Know How Compacted Soils On Your Farm Costs You Money
We Also Know How Using Humic SCG Can Lessen Compaction
Water must be able to move freely in the soil - both down in times of high rainfall and back via capillary action in times of drought. Water logged or drought prone soil is most likely to be suffering from compaction.
A well-structured soil will hold water and oxygen in the correct amounts allowing grass to breath. This also encourages production of the vast array of beneficial micro-organisms that will go a long way towards feeding your crop most of it’s nutrient requirements.
Many of the best soils have critical water management problems that must be solved before the most efficient production can be achieved.
Applying Humic SCG will help excess water to move through the soil allowing in the air with the subsequent benefits of improved biological activity and humus building.
From This
To This
Humic SCG is a worthwhile and cost effective method of improving soil drainage and reducing soil shear strength.
Increased Water Infiltration
Increased Yield Potential
Increased Growing Season
Increased Nutrient Availability
Increased Biological Activity
Decreased Water Logging
Decreased Risk of Liver Fluke
Decreased Acidity
Decreased Hard Compacted Soil
Decreased Fertiliser Requirements
Decreased Nitrogen Loss